Achievers Business Incubation Center
For each item please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements by selecting appropriate option.
1. The content of syllabus is *
Adequate Satisfactory Inadequate Very Vast
2. Your views regarding syllabus learnt *
Challenging Adequate Inadequate In appropriate
3. To what extent advanced & modern topics are covered in your syllabus? *
Fully Moderately Partially Not at all
4. The step by step incremental topics covered in the syllabus you studied *
Excellent Very Good Good Average
5. Desirable moral values and professional ethics are covered in the syllabus *
Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree
6. How do you rate the availability of the present study material or books for syllabus? *
Plenty Sufficient Inadequate Not available
7. Whether course objectives are clearly achieved? *
Significantly Well Framed Marginally Not at all
8. To what extent soft skill content are covered by syllabus? *
100% 85% 50% Below 25
9. To what extent do you feel the syllabus helped you to become Achiever in Life? *
75 to 100% 55 to 74% 30 to 54% Below 30%